I am Kimberly (aka your organic farmer). Basically three years ago I sold my business & house and made the commitment to move back to my family farm to become an organic farmer. I am an artist by trade and spent many years working as a designer. In my past work experience I also owned and operated an Aveda Day Spa, Lilly Pulizer & Lacoste Clothing Boutique and Yoga Center in Southbury Ct. Who would of thunk that I would do a full circle and come back to my roots...literally!
Well let me tell you about farming...It's not easy and it is ALOT of work! I really have no idea what I am doing and wish I paid more attention to my grandparents when I was a child. I can remember planting, hiding and eating strawberries in the patch when I was suppose to be picking them, and waking up at 3:30am to milk cows on my grandmas lap. As far as how, when, where, what to do...I am basically going by information on the back of seed packets and information online. It amazes me what a seed actually is...its like you think its going to be this high-tech procedure, and when you open the seed packet, for example to plant peas...you plant a pea! It's like magic!
I am 100% organic on the farm...basically because I am a true believer in the organic movement, and honestly I wouldnt know what to use to keep the bugs and animals out anyways. Someone recently told me that I am a step beyond organic...I am a Naturalist Farmer...Who knew??? We don't use anything besides Water & Sunshine to grow our produce here on the farm. Since we have been farming for almost 100 years my dad told me where things grow best on our farm...so thats the strategy. So far so good.
So come along for the ride as I try to restore our family farm! 40 acres on a hill, an old stone milkhouse, a historic barn and even an old outhouse. It's going to be quite the adventure...so stay tuned and keep it growing!