I hope you got a chance to try last week’s recipes. Kim has got so much great produce this week, I was spoiled for choice to pull some of my favorite recipes in this small space! However, she’s also showcasingsome more unusual items that you definitely won’t see at the store - so I wanted to offer inspiration for those as a priority Next week zucchini will be featured in a super healthy and delicious pasta dish.
Email Kim/me with your recipe comments!
CELERY LEAF PESTO Yields 2-3 cups pesto
4 cups celery leaves
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/3 cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano
1 tsp Kosher salt
Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Serve with pasta or potatoes. Add chicken/fish to your dish as desired.
To freeze: store in small cartons or ice cube trays. Pesto will defrost and refreeze quite safely. Let us know how you like this pesto instead of the usual favorites!!
One for the kids - to both prepare and enjoy! But this is so very good, you’ll be dishing it up for grown ups too. Children love to snap peas and Kim’s peas are simply amazing!

1/3 cup peas, blanched and cooled
11/2 tsp chopped tarragon
1/4 tsp salt
1 stick softened unsalted butter
Combine all ingredients. Add to pasta with a handful of crumbled goat cheese. Add black pepper. It’sseriously good! And yes, my children loved it - all three! A miracle.
Not all leaves are edible! Take rhubarb for example - a big no, no! However, you’re getting cauliflowerleaves this week and yes, they are edible! Roasted with garlic and some seasonings, they make a greatside next to grilled fish, pork, chicken or red meat.
Preheat oven to 400F
Wash and rinse your cauliflower leaves. Chop your leaves and any cauliflower into generous bite size portions. Chop 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 2 sliced scallions and combine with 1tbsp of sesame oil and 1 tbsp of olive oil. Lay on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and roast for 20 mins/until just browned around the edges.

1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp raspberry vinegar
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp poppy seeds
2 scallions
1/2 tsp salt
Sugared Almond
1/2 cup whole almonds
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp water
large bunch of red/green leaf lettuce
2 cups strawberries
Combine dressing ingredients well. Place almonds, sugar and water in a small frying pan and stir until sugar melts and is golden brown coating all the nuts with an even golden color. Turn out onto parchment paper and let cool. Chop when cooled. Wash lettuce and spin or dry well. Combine almonds, lettuce and strawberries and toss with dressing. Sprinkle goat cheese over top and serve.