12 oz. Beaufort (or other Gruyere) cheese, shredded
12 oz. Tomme cheese
6 glasses dry white wine
1/2 glass kirsch liqueur
1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed
white pepper
1 or 2 loaves French bread, wholewheat or white
1 egg
On the day before or the morning of the meal, cube the bread, and leave it out to let it dry a little.
Rub the bottom and sides of an earthenware pot or cast iron saucepan with the garlic. Pour wine into pot and place on stove over medium-high heat. Bring wine to boil, add cheese and stir slowly with a wooden spoon. Before cheese is fully melted, take pot off the stove and place on a lighted fondue burner.
Season with pepper and add kirsch while stirring. Once cheese has entirely melted. Serve with bread and fondue forks, stirring occasionally. If cheese bubbles rapidly, turn down heat.
When cheese is almost gone (maybe 3/4 cup left), break a raw egg into the pot and stir rapidly with the cheese. After a minute, dump remaining bread into pot and stir together with cheese and egg. Then turn off the burner and enjoy what's left.