Monday, August 1, 2011

Health & Detox tips from Farmer Kim

Greetings all. Hope you are enjoying some great alkaline recipes during this detox and health week, and even checked out our two great new CSA business locations ifloat in Westport and Liphe Balance Center in Weston.

I wanted to briefly share with you some personal detox and health tips that I have learned from many many years in the health and wellness industry. Of course I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, so any information should be always researched further and even checked with your family dr to see if it's right for you! But here is some stuff that I know is key to health!

1. M'lis - great company with vitamin supplements (like flax oil and yeast control, etc). Great 3 day liquid cleanse which basically consists of their bottle (very important b/c of plastic type). Distilled water, real maple syrup, lemon juice. Distilled waters ions are charged to "leech" toxins from your system. It will also leech from anything - so be sure to have in correct # plastic bottle. Maple Syrup stabilizes your bloodstream with a natural sugar so you are not crashing, and lemon juice cleanses your system and liver

2. Flax seed - one of the healthiest things on the planet. Make sure to eat ground flax instead of whole flax seed / or take flax oil pill.

3. Himalayan Pink Salt - Ive sold this before, and they say its the best thing on the planet to eat - it has everything your body needs to minerals, and they claim that folks that live in the Himalayas to over 100 years old - its because of the salt. Mix 1 teaspoon in water every day and drink. I've heard that it doesnt effect, and even helps balance out high blood pressure, but always check with your dr.

4.Shark Cartilage - sharks have a perfect immune system. Great for rebuilding cartilage and also even helping folks with disease.

5.Jojaba Oil - great massage oil - easy to absorb into skin!

6. B-12 - great to rebuild healthy muscle and helps nervous system. Vegetarians, and folks who eat little red meat are typically low - so there are supplements

7. Omega-3. In fatty fish - salmon my favorite. Essential for healthy brain. Supplements available - keep in fridge to help with fishy taste

8. Braggs liquid amino spray - found in health stores - essential for vegetarians! Great protein source, yummy flavor, spray on vegetables, pop corn, brown rice!

9. Yeast = bad health. yeast /candida can be anywhere in your body. it feeds on sugars, and can make you so tired and ill, and goes unnoticed many times with standard bloodwork. Try a natropath for testing.

10. Tarter - can take years off off your life! Think about what you are swallowing - plaque - can attribute to plaque in the bloodstream, heart, alztimers. Get you teeth cleaned 2x year!

11. Eat like a king in the morning - a town folk in the afternoon, and a peasant in the evening - by flip flopping meals to keep you charged during the day - I know of people who have lost 25-40 lbs by not changing a thing in their diet!

12. Walk barefoot in the morning dew and let it absorb through the pores in your feet - the enzymes are healing.

13. Try an ionic foot bath to draw toxins out of the pores of your feet.

14. If you never checked out Ayurvedic Remedies - check it out!

15. Eat local raw honey for allergies!

16. Eat lots and lots and lots of beans!

17. Relax!

18. Move and exercise at least 30-60 minutes daily!

19. Aloe vera juice - drink it daily!

20. Breath!